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Wednesday, June 16, 2004

· All’s well that ends well

Once there lived a man who is blessed by the god and told that he would become rich in next few days. He was soo happy that he started thinking what to do with the money. In the first place he wanted to help his parents get out of financial crisis, “then ? ”, he thought. He then wanted to buy a car, clothes etc…

Þ On the very first day after he is blessed, he got a letter where by a co. offered him a job in a decent designation scaling 50000/-. He dint go for the interview feeling he is to become rich and he doesn’t need to work.
Þ After 3 days: he went to make payments at electricity office. While returning home, he saw a small bag full of gold coins under a tree, on the roadside. He feels to take them in greed but suddenly his moral values says not to take as he don’t need others money and “u will have your own one day”.
Þ After 4 days: while going through the newspaper in the morning he starts worrying about the word god gave him. He feels desperate to become rich. Suddenly a hand appears waving in front of his eyes. It’s his mother .she wanted to talk to him about his marriage. But he is not interested as the girl they were talking about comes with a huge dowry amount. Somehow he don’t want to take money from a girl when he will be rich in a matter of time. Anyway, without dowry he marries the girl
Þ Months pass by, and no sign of money to become rich. He feels frustrated by the desperation and thinks god falsely promised and nothing is true to yield off.
Þ One fine day, while walking across the road a man running from opposite hits him and in a click time he keeps something in his pocket and runs away. Astonished by this he stares back at him. Behind him 2 policemen are running to catch. He keeps his hand in the pocket to see what the thing was. It’s a paper by touch. He takes it out. It’s a lottery ticket. He doesn’t believe in these gambling games and hates them. He never in his life involved in this type of business. He wraps it and throws. Suddenly he sees his old friend standing just front looking at him. “Friends are flowers in the life of garden”. This friend makes our hero happy and they hug. As his friend is in a hurry he asks him to take down his contact no. pen is with him but not a paper so he lifts up the lottery ticket he throwed and note down the no.
Þ The very next day while going through the newspaper he come across lottery results segment. He is flashed by yesterday’s ticket. He takes it and verifies. Yesss!!!! It’s time to shout “ureka”$$$$$$$$$$$. He got 30 crore in the bumper prize. He thank the god for keeping his word and feels sorry for his foolishness.

Here the god is relieved from the burden and says “son, I must thank you, atlast u accepted something”.

So all is well that ends well.



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