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Wednesday, June 16, 2004

article story

5/24/03 4:28:02 AM

I was at my friend’s house one day, with a bunch of friends. While we were discussing, Someone asked me “what makes a man successful?” Immediately a friend from behind raised “whether Iam at any point of time successful?” Another pointed to me saying “ even if u r successful at old times u r not successful right now so, as the times change u r old to success and with rapid change in global scenario and with advanced environments u may not be able to tell what makes a man successful in these times.”

I gave a smile……………………………. Said I know a story where a father who was a martial arts champion once in his time is deceived by time became disabled by paralysis attack. His left hand and leg were not working. It happened when he thought of training his own son .the moment he thought he is paralysed he was depressed and could not digest that he couldn’t teach his son. He one day thought that he is deceived by his body alright but his mind and heart is not paralysed. He was very determined to teach martial arts to his son. When he told his decision to his family his wife bluntly shouted not to take any risk with his life. But he dint listen to any one. He started his lessons one fine morning and after 3 yrs of rigorous practice his son won a medal in martial arts for his father. After months however his father passed away.

I was calm after finishing this, waiting for their reaction. After a while I again started saying " friends, here the determination made the father to overcome his disability but this is not his sole success but his sons. What if his son is not interested in martial arts and wanted to do something else? And in case even if he is forced to accept his dad's wish, he has to give his 100% to the art to be a master. So here success is dads and sons. So even if someone wants to show u the way to success one must be ready to journey that way".

I dint finish my talk; a person asked me what is the key to be successful. I said I dint finish answering my friend’s question that when u r not successful u can’t tell "how to become". For that I will tell u a live story of my professor for chartered accountancy when I was doing foundation course. I discontinued it when I finished my course that's anyway other thing. He was not a practicing C.A he finished his But he made many C.A's in his career. So here an M.COM graduate made chartered accountants. Keep in mind that he never attempted to write c.a. exams. So, by this it is clear that one must not be necessarily be successful to make a man. Shall I say complete Man. successful man to say?

Now as I finished, I glanced at my friends who raised questions. They look convinced. Suddenly a voice pitched up sounding, "then what are the essentials to become successful? " .I turned where sound hailed from. He is the same person who asked me earlier. I said “what u have right now is most important”. He stared at me expressing what I mean? I replied before he asks the same in a louder voice "anxiety" "enthusiasm" and "patience" u showed when I stopped u and continued my answers previous time. Now if someone questions me anything, I will answer u first and then, to others. so are u not successful at this?

I finished making point and as my friends mom called us all for lunch.

Sudha Malladi


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