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Thursday, June 17, 2004

is anyone lonely

Recently I received a call from my fellow student . while on the conversation he raised a very interesting topic and he asked me to think on something called loneliness and how to overcome it. So I was thinking a little while ago,…….. “ever a person in the world alone?” I was in fact asked to analyze and give some points on this topic

I got some chores in my mind which kept me busy for a while and I immersed into a deep think tank. After a long reciprocal queries and answers to my self I got the basic question as why does a man live? I will make it more clear for u .The question I raised to myself is what is that which makes a man live?
The answer I got immediately after that was “hope”. Yes, hope……. if that doesn’t exist within a man he probably be died and no more are the questions from persons like me ever a person in the world alone? If a person is alive implies he has hope of some positive energy. That ray of hope actually nurtures a man to aspire, become and achieve something which if got stronger becomes his willpower .
But this basic question dint serve my purpose of thinking. So I slid to another angle when does a man feel lonely? After some thinking I got some points to ponder. A man is alone right from his birth. There is no minute in his life where he is not alone. But he doesn’t realize in the same way as we don’t see stars in the day light, thus we forget that we are actually alone in this world. We get busy with family, friends, life partners and then back to family consisting kids. So….. we never get time to realize our loneliness . but vital thing here is “WHAT ….when it gets dark …. Then we know how many stars actually glue…..”
so, in the similar fashion we feel we are alone when something gets dark in our life . dark can come in any color, when something which is habituated, addicted or taken for granted that whatever changes may it be but this thing will not change, then you are drowning in to dark to find the stars.
But a man will not adapt to the dynamic changes around him , he doesn’t wants to get used to change, but he wont see he has another day light to focus on…. which changes the dimension of hope but unfortunately it changes after sometime . If hope changes immediately after getting dark then probably never will a person realize that he is alone all these days.
I’ll ask you something………….. by your adorable approval. I think u nodded already so here I go…."Have u ever faced any situation where u need something desperately and you are not able to find it and after a long search u find that is actually beside u? ………… and I also know u perhaps smiled for your foolishness after finding it.
So here u know what u need ? u know how it is ? where it is? But, u cant specifically say where can u get that now. In the same way “we know what we want but, we find them only when we have to find them. when time favors u will find an unknown treasure but if the reverse happens u wont be able to find what u want even it’s in front of u.

So, time strikes the trigger and when it does things get changed dramatically. And after a point of time we realize we cant change or control what have happened and what’s happening.

So, once u have accepted the factors that are unchangeable, just about everything else in your life can be tailored to suit you better. Hard to believe, but it’s true. To decide what you want to rearrange, you first have to know your options. There’s usually no such things as an absolutely right or wrong decisions . If you select one course, you’ll never know for certain what could have happened if you’d chosen differently, so don’t prosecute yourself with what might have been? . everything has advantages and disadvantages, and making a choice means giving something up . there’s always a price to pay, though it may be small compared with the bonuses.

The advantage of being indecisive is that you never have to give up anything you’ve got at that point, and there’s always the possibilities held in dreams. But if you’re not in control and are not being decisive, it leaves the door wide open for someone else to make decisions for u , or for circumstances to overtake you. You may not be so happy with that, but you can always fantasize that you might have been more successful , happier , had more direction, if only the opportunity had presented itself. So I posed two angles of perception, ….. the advantage of being decisive and indecisive.

To make these fantasies , you have to make choices……………

To make choices u need to know the problem and if your problem is your loneliness , you are very fortunate enough that u got time to think.
What is making you feel that? What are the things changed which led to feel alone. What was it before and what is now? What is changeable in it and what is not. What is paining you and what are u happy about?
Think about every possibility or option even if u think they are outrageous and silly , who knows they may prove to be the bunch of choices which sparkles your life with a small ray of hope…………………………..

Hope…… which may again lead to better willpower, strength, determination , optimistic attitude so that u never feel pensive and lonely…..



  • At 4:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    this "Is Anyone Lonely" article is really wonderful and full of deep insights into the human mind. It really helped me get answers to questions i always dreaded to raise!! im really scared of changes in my life..but u r really a life changer..the WONDER LADY!! i cant help getting impressed by ur thinking..i feel u have the best mind,heart n soul on this planet..i never met anyone like u all my life and ur writing ability is really excellent..its inspires the writer in me too............Vaibhav


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