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Saturday, February 12, 2005


She was really upset, she hadn't seen or spoken to her bestfriend Jim in a couple of weeks, and he shows up at her door andcommands her to get dressed and go riding with him. So shefinally does.
As they were riding, they passed a garden full of flowers.
Jim says "Do you see those flowers?"
"Yes," she says.
"Do you think that when someone steps on those flowers that theylie there and feel sorry for themselves?" Jim says.
"No, they immediately start to mend their wounds so they canheal, and grow strong and healthy!"
They ride a little further and Jim points up in a tree,"You see those squirrels up there?
Do you think that when people shoot at them they go hideforever?"
"No," she says.
About that time the ocean comes into sight.
Jim says "You see that ocean out there?
Do you think that when there's a hurricane out there that theocean doesn't go back out because it's afraid to face thestorm?"
"No," she says.
"Then, why have you stopped living because you have been hurt?"
That story really hit me like a ton of bricks!The worst part was the fact that Jim died a short time later.And that's when she realized how much precious time she wasted.
Why have you stopped living because you have been hurt?

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

click to improve your pronunciation

Pronunciation practice Simplified IPA* symbols
sheep/ship ------------------------i/i:
tin/ten --------------------------i/e
bet/bat ---------------------------e/a
bat/bad ---------------------------a/a:
cat/cut ---------------------------a/^
cat/cart --------------------------a/a:
cart/cut --------------------------a:/^
cut/curt --------------------------^/
look/loop -------------------------U/U:
cart/caught -----------------------a:/o:
caught/cot -----------------------o:/o
caught/coat -----------------------o:/
caught/curt -----------------------o:/
rot/lot ------------------------r/
pull/bull ------------------------p/b
heart/art -----------------------h/
worse/verse ----------------------w/v
ass/as/ash -----------------------s/z/f

when u click the above link,in the page roll the mouse over the words to hear them pronouncing.
hope you have good time with all the sounds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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