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Thursday, June 17, 2004


12:21:24 AM 04-Jan-03

I will not advice u to follow your heart always because heart follows your habits and the way you think. If you are lazy then your heart doesn’t allow you to work hard. So keep a check on what your heart says. Keep some moral lines in you. They will shape your character. Be busy all the time, if you are off for a sec, you are off for a long. Don’t postpone the things. Don’t stop or delay for others convenience, the things which you wanted to do. Be high on morale and your level of thinking.
Try to understand what others say and be a pathetic listener. Try to think from all corners but don’t change your view on it, or else it mean you don’t have individuality.
Try to portray yourself as how you are to the world and let them like you. Don’t give false impressions, as you are not that you won’t be able to keep that image for a long. You will regret when "you" come front of your false the world will hate you. Don’t get moody every moment for bit things. Try to be cheerful and enthusiastic to face the bad. Be inspired always. Never be proud of what you are, but make your parents feel that. Hate doesn't kill hate; love does so, atleast try not to hate. Remember one thing "proud swallows up a man completely".
But here I would like to distinguish self-respect to proud. Self respect is believing what you are, proud is feeling great for what you are. Don’t feel you are great rather take the positive side and build confidence and improve your talents. Always favour critics than acclaims. Your critics are your best well wishers you can ever have. Often it is considered by us that critics are beings to ignore and they wont encourage but if you are perfect timer having enough grasping power you can see that they are challenging you in the way they are inspiring, patting to prove what you want to.

I advice you to talk to yourself daily for 5 minutes before going to bed that is the last moment of the day, and recollect all the things you have done and compare what you wanted to do and think how would you have handled and dealt in the next best way and look for improvisation. If you dint do what you thought or you regret the day realise what went wrong and how did that happen. Go to deep roots of cause and make a point to look that it won’t happen again.
Here you need determination and will power. This exercise will improve you a lot and help build your personality and character. Don’t forget your dreams and don’t ever-loose tempo and motive to get the dreams. Make them, Chase them, trace them, get them and take them in the right place.

By. Malladi sudha.


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